About this courseNow that the economy is slowly recovering from the pandemic, every employer finds themselves limited in their growth opportunities because of the difficulty in staffing their companies. From fast food restaurants to IT firms, the problem is the same. One of the great mistakes employers are making today is the hiring of the wrong people out of desperation.
In this fast-moving presentation, Don will share insights, strategies, and tools you can use to become that employer of choice so you can attract and retain great employees.
Who gets hired at your company maybe the number one reason for its success or failure. Whether you are a company’s recruiter, HR manager, or other leader, who you put on your team will make an enormous bottom-line difference. Hire the right people and you will have profitable and enjoyable times. Hire the wrong people and you will be faced with one negative drama after another.
Hiring has to be viewed as a process and not an event. Don will share with you a hiring process you can put to great use to attract, hire, and engage new employees.
The economy is rapidly growing but employers are faced with the consequences of the Great Quit, demand for higher wages, and flexibility. Employers are facing a significant labor shortage, magnifying the consequences of employee turnover.
While most companies have a healthy top of the line post-pandemic, their growth is severely limited by the ability to retain talent. And, without the ability to grow the workforce added pressures are placed on existing employees, exacerbating the retention problem. Don has delivered this presentation to dozens of CEO and HR groups in the past few months.
This course includes:
schedule2 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Oct 19, 2021
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024