About this courseIn this course, you'll gain a simple but powerful framework and loads of tips for delivering feedback that is rooted in positive psychology on a global scale. Because everything improves when you elevate the positive first globally. You raise levels of optimism, importance, connection, inclusion, and happiness globally. And, research shows that it works globally! You will also gain loads of tips for receiving feedback globally because getting feedback is as important as giving it.
This course is for leaders, aspiring leaders, business owners, technical professionals, and anyone who wants to help build healthier partnerships and organizations globally. Great for early career and as a refresher for experienced leaders globally.
Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources
This course includes:
schedule3 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At May 4, 2023
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024