A street-wise hero from the Bronx, Don Phin has been a California employment law attorney since 1983. He litigated cases for 17 years and then quit cold-turkey when he realized nobody wins a lawsuit.
Since leaving litigation, Don has presented more than 600 times to executives in US and Canada. Don has created over 30 online training programs, including Employee Engagement, and nine others for LinkedIn Learning.
Don was the founder and President of HR That Works, used by 3,500 companies, and acquired by ThinkHR in January of 2014. He worked there for two years as a V.P.
Don has written seven books, including his most recent, The 40/ /40 Solution: Mastering Emotional Energy in Leadership and Sales.
Don loves inspiring with his speaking and training. He has a thriving coaching practice, and on occasion, is asked to investigate challenging workplace problems.
Don lives in sunny Coronado, California.